The provisions of the Swiss trademark law can be found in various hierarchically arranged acts. Source is the Swiss federal constitution, on which basis the confederation issued the Federal Act on Trademarks and Appellations of Origin, Trademark Law, (TA). Based thereon the federal council has issued the corresponding Ordinance on the Protection of Trademarks (OPT). The guidelines for the trademark examination, issued by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, define further requirements that have to be met within the trademark application procedure.
German version
Markenschutzverordnung (MSchV)
French version
Loi sur la protection des marques (LPM)
Ordnonnance sur la protection des marques (OPM)
Directives en matière de marques
Réglement sur des taxes de l'IPI
Italian version
Legge sulla protezione dei marchi (LPM)
Ordinanza sulla protezione dei marchi (OPM)
Direttive in materia di marchi
Regolamento sulle tasse dell’IPI
English vesion
CH-Swiss Trademark Law - Non-official translation provided by the WIPO, may be outdated