Industrial Law designates all law areas, which refer to consumer goods. The following web pages offer a first overview of the various regulations on foods (also tobacco products) and feeds, commodities (also cosmetics), therapeutic means (drugs and medical devices), narcotics and chemicals (also pesticides and biocides). You may find answers to some important questions on classification, reporting and authorisation obligations, labelling and advertising.
Presumably starting in the first half of 2010 products, which have been put lawfully on the EC and/or EEA market, shall in principle also circulate freely without additional controls in Switzerland according to the revised Federal Law on Technical Trade Barriers (THG). Swiss producer will have the possibility to manufacture their export and national products according to the EC regulations or in the case of missing or incomplete harmonization according to the regulations of any EC/EEA-Member State. To that extent the European law will become applicable to Swiss consumer products.
Rentsch Partner Ltd. attorneys-at-law and patent attorneys advise you comprehensively on questions in Swiss Law as well as in European Law regarding the marketing of these products and the application of further product related technologies (like bio- and nanotechnology), quality- and crisis management as well as on questions of liability and responsibility.