Individual startup consulting to ensure good IP protection around your idea
Young companies can already increase their value considerably if they protect their intellectual property (IP) at an early stage and regulate their contractual relationships in a legally effective way. Focused IP protection is central to financing start-ups. Particularly in the case of tech and life science start-ups, investors in seed funding and the subsequent financing rounds (Series A to D funding) look for sufficient trademark and patent protection that protects the relevant products and technical solutions and their possible applications as broadly and strategically as possible.
Patent, trademark and design applications also continue to serve as a suitable tool for marketing and for generating increased awareness among established companies.
We support young tech start-ups in legal matters relating to contracts and clarifications regarding rights to an invention, licenses and confidentiality agreements as well as other related issues.
You are welcome to contact us for a free initial consultation.
Development of a Patent Portfolio
We help you to draft and file specific patent applications that protect your basic idea and allow a broad application for future business fields. We accompany you through the different phases of your start-up and help you with questions regarding protection for new products or protection abroad.
Contracts and Negotiations
We support you in licensing matters with universities or research institutions, confidentiality agreements, and other legal clarifications, so that the way for further research and development remains clear.
IP Strategy
We think outside the box and place great importance in an individualized IP Strategy that is aligned with your business strategy, the market, and your innovations.
IP-Strategy: Overview (pdf)