Partner | Lic. iur., Attorney at Law 1
„leads the team with her capabilities in managing trade mark portfolios and advising on multijurisdictional disputes”
„provides robust leadership”
„Maria delivers a polished service”
„having expertise across intellectual property, competition and ICT law”
„has a terrific client list”
„offers a well-rounded service to clientele”
„highly knowledgeable”
„forward thinking and focused on delivering solutions”
„a very thorough attorney”
„a talented transactional and disputes practitioner”
„expert in the consumer goods, life sciences and computing fields”
„leaves no stone unturned, and has good analytical skills”
„smart, pragmatic and clear in her advice; she is truly excellent”
Maria Iskic works as attorney at law in the fields of intellectual property, competition and ICT law. Within these fields she regularly counsels clients in complex contractual matters and represents them in arbitration and litigation proceedings.
Maria Iskic studied law at the University of Zurich and graduated in 2009. Prior to joining RENTSCH PARTNER, Maria Iskic worked at the District Court of Zurich, in the legal department of a multinational company in the sector of power and automation technologies, with the IP/IT team of a renowned law firm as well as for a Swiss publishing house specialized in legal works.
Swiss Arbitration Association
International Bar Association
Swiss Association for Intellectual Property Law
International Trademark Association
Licensing Executives Society - Technology Transfer and Licensing of intellectual property
The Identity of Brand Owners
Zürich Bar Association
- Schutz nicht registrierter Kennzeichen
in: Magda Streuli-Youssef (Hrsg.), Schweizerisches Immaterialgüter- und Wettbewerbsrecht (SIWR), Band III/ Kennzeichenrecht, 3. Aufl., Basel 2019
17 January 2020 - Kommentar zu Art. 3 Abs. 1 lit. e UWG [vergleichende Werbung]
in: Heizmann/Loacker (Hrsg.), Kommentar UWG, DIKE 2017
25 January 2018 - § 47 Klage betreffend Verletzung von Marken, des Firmenrechts sowie UWG
in: Kommentierte Musterklagen zum Gesellschaftsrecht und zum Geistigen Eigentum, Band II, Zürich 2016
02 November 2016 - Geistiges Eigentum – Die Marke als schützbares Kommunikationsmittel
in: KMU-Magazin Nr. 5, Mai 2016, 42 ff.
28 June 2016 - Markenrecht
in: Entwicklungen im schweizerischen Wirtschaftsrecht 2013/2014, Zürich 2014
27 July 2014 - Lang lebe die Unterlizenz
in: sic! 2013, 682 ff.
27 July 2013
- As businesses increasingly integrate sustainability into their branding, «green trademarks» have become a strategic asset. However, the path to securing and maintaining these trademarks is fraught with some challenges. Here are some hurdles companies will need to navigate:19 April 2024
- Have you ever wondered about typical contract clauses and what they actually really mean? Maria Iskic and Demian Stauber provide a short introduction into clauses that you will find in most commercial agreements.04 December 2020