Partner | PD Dr. iur., Attorney at Law 1
„Gregor Wild is exceptional. He’s a teacher as well as a practitioner.”
„Trade mark star 2024”
„earns plaudits for his outstanding IP knowledge”
„He is a great litigator and manages to keep the tone and pace of the negotiations really light, even when the case is complicated.”
„has a solutions-oriented approach and ability to break new ground”
„Trade mark star 2023”
„a joy to work with”
„He has amazing experience and great business awareness.”
„a top brand specialist”
„a global IP thinker”
„makes light work of managing valuable worldwide trademark portfolios”
„plaudits as a well-known lawyer with a dynamic approach and scientific background”
„Trade mark star 2022”
„gains recognition from commentators for his trade mark expertise”
„hailed by peers for his great spirit, stunning theoretical knowledge and excellence in all aspects of trademark law”
„always solution-oriented in his trademark practice”
The professional activity of Gregor Wild focuses on copyright, trademark and design law and related contractual and procedural questions. His expertise primarily extents to Swiss and international Intellectual Property Law, in particular to the representation before the Federal IPI, Swiss Courts and the WIPO. Gregor Wild has global experience under more than 70 jurisdictions where he constantly collaborates with local experts. He has acquired special knowledge in relation with transnational registrations and IP-portfolios. Questions of publicity and registers are building the focus of his academic activities.
After his thesis in copyright law and his employment in the trademark division of the Swiss IPI Gregor Wild has joined RENTSCH PARTNER in 2002. He is a member of the Special Commission of Intellectual Property Rights of the Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects (sia) and lecturer for Private Law at the University of Lucerne. By 1 January 2012 he was elected by the Swiss Federal Council as a member of the Federal Arbitration Board for Exploitation of Author’s and Neighboring Rights (ESchK).
Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle
Swiss Association for Intellectual Property Law
International Trademark Association
The Identity of Brand Owners
Swiss Bar Association
Solothurnischer Anwaltsverband
Solothurn Lawyers Association
Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys
Zürich Bar Association
- § 45 Markenwiderspruch
in: Kommentierte Musterklagen zum Gesellschaftsrecht und zum Geistigen Eigentum, Band II, Zürich 2016
02 November 2016 - Geistiges Eigentum – Die Marke als schützbares Kommunikationsmittel
in: KMU-Magazin Nr. 5, Mai 2016, S. 42 ff.
28 June 2016 - Die Registrierung der Lizenz und ihr Widerruf
sic! 2010, 305 ff.
12 March 2010 - Kommentierung von Art. 29 bis 31 und 35 bis 43 MSchG
in: Michael North/Gregor Bühler/Florent Thouvenin (Hrsg.), Markenschutzgesetz (MSchG), Bern 2009
12 March 2009 - Das Zusammenfallen von Werkschöpfung und Werkdarbietung
ZUM 2008, 580 ff.
12 March 2008 - Die Übertragung von gewerblichen Schutzrechten, insbesondere der gutgläubige Erwerb vom registrierten Nichtberechtigten
sic! 2008, 271 ff.
12 March 2008 - Vom Vererben und Erwerben des Urheberrechts
Jusletter vom 25. September 2006
25 September 2006 - Kommentierung von Art. 40 bis 60 und Art. 75 URG
in: Barbara K. Müller/Reinhard Oertli (Hrsg.), Urheberrechtsgesetz (URG), 2. Aufl., Bern 2012
12 March 2006 - Urheberrechtsschutz der Fotografie
sic! 2005, 87 ff.
12 March 2005 - Von der statistischen Einmaligkeit zum soziologischen Werkbegriff
sic! 2004, 61 ff.
12 March 2004 - Das Wiener "Hundertwasser-Haus" und das Urheberrecht
BR / DC 2004, 11 ff.
12 January 2004 - Das Geistesgut als Sache?
Jusletter vom 23. Juni 2003
23 June 2003 - Vollherrschaft über geistige Güter
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ vom 7./8. Juni 2003, 85
08 June 2003 - Grenzen des computergestützten Werkschaffens: kein Urheberrechtsschutz für Hobby-Kalender
Jusletter vom 25. November 2002
25 November 2002 - Die Entfaltung des Genius in Bern
Neue Zürcher Zeitung NZZ vom 22. Juni 2002, 16
22 June 2002 - Zur Konkurrenz zwischen Urheberrecht und künstlerischem Leistungsschutz
Jusletter vom 17. Dezember 2001
17 December 2001 - Die künstlerische Darbietung und ihre Abgrenzung zum urheberrechtlichen Werkschaffen
Diss., Freiburg 2001, AISUF-Band 205, Freiburg 2001
12 February 2001
- What is the role of trademark protection when it comes to blockchain technology? Gregor Wild writes about blockchain and trademarks.22 May 2018