Why should you register a trademark if your company is already registered in the commercial register and the company name is therefore protected?
- The company name is the name entered in the commercial register and grants the exclusive right to use this name to identify a company.
- However, if you want to prevent someone else from using identical or similar names for products and services offered, a company name may not be sufficient.
- In this case, it is advisable to register a trademark!
- The trademark gives the owner the exclusive right to use it to identify the goods and services claimed and to prevent others from using identical or similar signs for identical or similar goods or services.
- In addition, unlike a company name, a trademark can be used to protect not only a word but also different types of signs, including logos.
- Have you not yet registered your trademark? Do you use a logo? Have new products or services been added since the trademark filing?
- We are happy to support you! Contact me at
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