Many technologies such as semiconductor electronics, lasers and magnetic resonance imaging involve quantum effects. Recently, «second generation» quantum technologies (QT) harnessing quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition - in particular in quantum computing and sensing – are progressing from academia to industry.
1. The EPO’s Insight Reports
Four out of eleven insight reports published by the European Patent Office (EPO) relate to Q simulation, Q computing, QT and space, and Q metrology and sensing. These reports highlight the following:
- Players with the most patent filings are corporations, growth-stage tech companies and research institutions from the USA, Europe, China, and Japan.
- In particular, in Q computing and Q simulation, next to growth-stage tech companies and US universities, the largest corporate applicants include IBM, Intel, Nokia, Microsoft, Hitachi and Google, while in QT and space and Q metrology and sensing, prominent players include Chinese government research institutes and the US industry.
- Collaboration between universities and industry is particularly strong in these fields.
- The number of patent filings is still relatively low but sharply increasing: in Q computing for example, the number of newly published patent families grew by 15 to 30% per year. For comparison, the yearly growth of EPO patent filings in all technical areas was between -1 and 5% in recent years.
2. Patenting in QT
Businesses taking part in this race and companies in adjacent markets should take strategic decisions on their intellectual property.
A technical development can be patented or alternatively kept as a trade secret. Being able to prevent competitors from copying the invention speaks in favor of patenting, while nearly impossible reverse engineering may suggest keeping the technology secret instead.
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