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    Digital generiertes Netzwerk

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    Makroaufnahme Glasfaser

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    Makroaufnahme Buch

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    Makroaufnahme Uhrwerk

Since May 1st, 2009 the Swiss definition of cosmetics in article 35 al 1 LGV is in accordance with the European definition. The former legal requirement that cosmetics may not „unfold any internal effect“ does not exist any more. However, cosmetics are commodities and thus „articles, which may not be advertised as drugs.“

The ingredients and compositions authorized in cosmetics result from a positive list in the appendices of the Swiss regulation on cosmetic products (VKos). In 2010 cosmetics will fall under the “Cassis de Dijon”-principle, which means that European law will be applicable as well.

Rentsch Partner Ltd. supports its clients with the classification, labelling and presentation of cosmetic products according to Swiss and European law.