Where does the registered Swiss trademark enjoy protection?
A Swiss trademark enjoys uniform protection in whole Switzerland. There are no cantonal, but only one federal trademark register.

Can you extend the national trademark protection internationally?
Based on a Swiss trademark registration, you may request an extension of protection at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property. This extension which will be forwarded to the "World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO or OMPI)". The WIPO informs the designated countries about the request for extension. For the applicant of the Swiss trademark, the Institute in Berne remains the contact organisation.

Which countries may be designated in the extension?
The most important countries may be designated within the scope of an international trademark extension. Almost all OECD countries are selectable. Exceptions are especially Canada, Brazil, Hong Kong, Republic of South Africa and Taiwan.

Is the registration of a Community Trademark (CTM) possible for Swiss citizens?
Yes. A CTM may be deposited at the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market ("OHIM" or "OAMI") in Alicante, Spain.